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Frequently Asked Questions

Functional Medicine

Do You Accept Insurance?

Advance Biomedical Treatment Center does NOT accept insurance. It does not accept or file insurance claims. We do not provide procedure or diagnostic codes.

Dr. Comia does not diagnose with regards to what “label” in the autism spectrum disorder is appropriate for your child. She does, however, give an assessment as to the suspect biochemical and metabolic dysfunctions that may be causing some, if not all, of the patient’s complaints. To obtain a “label”, you will need to see a pediatric neurologist, a developmental specialist, or a pediatric psychologist. Make an appointment with one of these specialists as soon as possible because they usually have a very long waiting list.

Can Dr. Comia Diagnose My Child?

Does My Child Need to Have a Diagnosis Before Being Seen by Dr. Comia?

No, a diagnosis is not necessary to be seen by Dr. Comia because the treatment involves dealing with the underlying biochemical and metabolic problems. It ought to be emphasized that early intervention has shown to have a dramatic impact on reducing symptoms and increasing one’s ability to grow and reach normal functioning levels. As such, do not wait until a “label” is obtained.

The Initial Consultation takes approximately 2 hours. A quick physical exam is done on the patient. A mini-presentation is shown to explain the plausible underlying biochemical/metabolic causes of disease and how they can be treated to improve symptoms. Past and present medical issues are addressed. Patient/parent(s) is directed and educated on the different treatment strategies.

What is Done During the Initial Consultation?

What Laboratory Tests are Performed?

You will be given a requisition form to have an initial basic blood draw. The other lab tests are take-home test kits which are mostly stool and urine specimens. The take-home test kits include the ff:

  • ION Profile = a comprehensive blood and urine test that checks for intracellular (inside the cell, not just serum or blood) levels of vitamins and minerals, serum levels of amino acids, fatty acids, toxic heavy metals, and urine organic acids that measure yeast activity.

  • CDSA 2.0 Stool Analysis = detects presence of pathogenic bacteria (bad bacteria) and yeast (Candida or fungus) in the stool as well as presence of friendly bacteria.

  • Urinary Porphyrin = the only test available for total-body toxicity of lead, aluminum, mercury, and xenobiotics.


Many other tests are available using different specialty laboratories.

Dr. Comia is probably the only Internist in Connecticut who mainly practices both Functional Medicine and traditional Internal Medicine. She practices traditional Internal Medicine at her Bloomfield office. She has admitting privileges to St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center. She is an excellent primary care physician for anyone aged 12 years old and above, special needs or not. Also, Dr. Comia carries the unique and most important experience of training under Dr. Sidney Baker, co-founder of Defeat Autism Now!. Dr. Comia is not only a Doctor of Medicine; she is also a mother of an autistic child. Parents find it very comforting to talk to someone who live through the same challenges that they undergo.

What Makes Dr. Comia Different From Other Practitioners?

What Can Dr. Comia Do For an Adult With a Multitude of Symptoms and Diagnoses?

Dr. Comia may be the perfect primary care physician for any adult with “special needs” and/or chronic illness. She is able to address all “traditional” medical problems and identifies underlying metabolic and biochemical problems such as chronic yeast infection, mitochondrial dysfunction, “leaky-gut syndrome”, “heavy-metal toxicity”, chelation, immune dysregulation, etc.

For Initial Consultations:

  • We require seven (7) business days advanced notice when canceling/rescheduling an appointment.

  • If cancellation or rescheduling is done LESS than seven (7) business days prior to the scheduled appointment, we have the right to bill the hourly rate of $500.00 (Cancellation/Rescheduling Fee). The paid Scheduling Fee will be applied towards this Cancellation / Rescheduling fee and a NEW Scheduling Fee of $125.00 will be required when rebooking the appointment.


For Follow-Up Consultations:

  • We require three (3) business days advanced notice when canceling/rescheduling an appointment.

  • If cancellation or rescheduling is done LESS than three (3) business days prior to the scheduled appointment, we have the right to bill the hourly rate of $500.00

  • (Cancellation/Rescheduling Fee). The paid Scheduling Fee will be applied towards this Cancellation / Rescheduling fee. A NEW Scheduling Fee of $125.00 will be required when rebooking the appointment.

What is the Appointment Cancellation / Rescheduling Policy?

How do I Cancel or Reschedule an Appointment?

Appointment cancellation and rescheduling may be done via telephone or email. If you reach our voicemail, please leave your name, telephone number, date and time you called. We will contact you to confirm that we received your message. 


What Happens if I miss an Appointment?

Our Missed Appointment Policy:


  • A fee of $500.00 will be charged if a patient misses an appointment.

  • The non-refundable Scheduling Fee will be applied towards this $500 charge above.

Special Consideration will be given to true medical emergencies. A written proof from a physician must be submitted for documentation and consideration.


A true medical emergency is when an illness or injury places a person’s health or life in serious jeopardy and treatment cannot be delayed. Examples include difficulty breathing, chest pain, a head injury or ingestion of a toxic substance. If a person is experiencing severe pain, that is also an indicator of an emergency.


Some examples of True Medical Emergencies:


  • Chest pain accompanied by sweating, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, radiating pain that moves to the arm or neck, dizziness, or feeling that your heart is beating irregularly or too fast

  • Choking

  • Severe bleeding that doesn’t stop after 15 minutes of direct pressure

  • Fainting

  • Broken or displaced bones

  • Swallowing poison

  • Burns

  • Suddenly not being able to walk, speak, or move a portion of your body

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing

What is the Exception to the Appointment Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy?

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